Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Vocabulary: Fall List #6

Adroit-Clever or skillful
Exemplary students are adroit in their work.

Amicable-Having a spirit of friendliness
Puppies are very amicable.

Averse-Strong dislike
I have an averse for slow hallway walkers.

Belligerent-Hostile or aggressive
The criminal held people belligerent until the police came and arrested him.

Being benevolent to others will make you a well liked individual.

Cursory-Not thorough or detailed
If descriptions of characters are cursory then the book probably isn't well written.

Duplicity-Deceitfulness in speech
Having duplicity makes you a good public speaker.

Extol-To praise enthusiastically
Babies and dogs are extolled when they did something good.

Feasible- Easy
Her life was feasible because her never made her work for anything.

Grimace-A twisted expression on someones face
When someone is lying they have a grimace and are trying to hide it.

Holocaust-The mass murder of Jews
The holocaust is a sad subject in the world's history.

Impervious-Not allowing
Rules are impervious to kids having fun.

Impetus-The force of energy
The impetus of her falling left a bruise on her leg.

Jeopardy-Danger or loss
Endangered animals are in jeopardy of going extinct.

Meticulous-Showing great attention or detail
When working on artistic projects my meticulous side kicks in.

Nostalgia-Sentimental longing for the past
Nostalgia can hold you back from moving on.

Quintessence-The most perfect or typical example.
The math book always had quintessence of how to do a problem.

Retrogress-To go back to an earlier state
In US history we learn about retrogress of our country.

Scrutinize-Examine or express closely
The teacher scrutinizes the students work.

Tepid-Showing little enthusiasm
She acts tepid when she has to visit her family.

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